Мотивация как аксиологический фактор в изучении китайского языка
Журнал «KANT» №3(44) 2022 [стр. 326-332]
DOI: 10.24923/2222-243X.2022-44.60
Ключевые слова: иностранный язык; китайский язык; мотивация; демотивация.
Цель исследования – раскрыть мотивирующие аспекты при изучении китайского языка на территории стран Центральной Азии и России, а также определение основных проблем освоения китайского языка в этих странах. В статье рассматриваются долгосрочные и краткосрочные мотивирующие аспекты влияющие на результат изучения китайского языка. Для определения данных аспектов проводиться анонимное анкетирование с обучаемыми и интервьюирование с преподавателями китайского языка. Научная новизна заключается в трудностях определения четких целей обучающихся этих стран, в связи с тем, что китайский язык изучается не в стране-носителя языка, что в процессе освоения языка может способствовать дальнейшей демотивации обучающихся. В заключении автор предлагает ряд рекомендаций и примеров по стимулированию мотивации.
1. Алимов Р. Золотой ключ к лучшему пониманию Китая. URL: http://russian.people.com.cn/n3/2021/1123/c31517-9923128.html. (дата обращение: 05.12.2021).
2. Seven M.A. Motivation in language learning and teaching. // African Educational Research Journal. October 2020. Special issues 8 (2). 562-571 pp. DOI: 10.30918/AERJ.8S2.20.033. ISSN: 2354-2160. URL: https:// files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1274645.pdf (дата обращения: 12.10.2021).
3. Van Lier L. Interaction in the Language Curriculum: Awareness, Autonomy and Authenticity (Applied Linguistics and Language Study). ISBN-13: 978-0582248793. ISBN-10: 0582248795. 1st Edition. London: Longman. 1996. 260 p.
4. Dornyei Z. Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom. / England: Cambridge University Press. 2001b. 155 p. URL: https://erwinwidiyatmoko.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/motivational-strategies-inthe-language-classroom-by-zoltan-dornyei.pdf (дата обращение: 12.09.2021).
5. Gardner R.C., Smythe P.C. On the development of the Attitude-Motivation Test Battery. // Canadian Modern Language Review. Volume 37. 2003. 510-525 pp.
6. Skehan P. Individual differences in Second Language Learning. // Studies in Second Language Acquisition №13(02). 1991. 275-298 pp. DOI:10.1017/S0272263100009979
7. Masgoret A.M., Gardner R.C. Attitudes, motivation, and second language learning: A meta analysis of studies conducted by Gardner and associates. // In Z. Dornyei (Ed.). Attitudes, Orientations, and Motivations in Language Learning. 2002. 167-210 pp. URL: http:// users.telenet.be/cr32258/Attidus% 20motivation%20L2.pdf (дата обращение: 15.09.2021).
8. Oxford R., Shearin J. Language learning motivation: expanding the theoretical framework. // Modern Language Journal 78(1). 1994. 12-28 pp. URL: https:// doi.org/10.2307/329249 (дата обращение:15.09.2021).
9. Crookes, G., Schmidt R.W. Motivation: Reopening the research agenda. // Language Learning. Vol. 8. No.1. 1989. 217-256 pp. URL: https://core.ac.uk/download/ pdf/32302583.pdf (дата обращение: 12.09.2021).
10. Bellassen J., Zhang P.P. A key to Chinese Speech and Writing. // Beijing, China: Sinolingua. Vol.1. 1997. 276 p.
11. Gardner R.C. Attitude/Motivation Test Battery: International AMTB Research Project. The University of Western Ontario, Canada. 2004. URL: https://publish.uwo.ca/~gardner/docs/englishamtb.pdf. (дата обращение: 05.09.2021).
12. Кунанбаева С.С. Концепция иноязычного образования Республики Казахстан. Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков им. Абылай хана. 2006.
13. Ager D. Motivation in Language Planning and Language Policy. (Multilingual Matters Series, 119). / Multilingual Matters. ISBN-13: 978-1853595288 – ISBN-10: 1853595284 .2001. 216 p.
14. Du X., Jackson J. From EFL to EMI: The evolving English learning motivation of Mainland Chinese students in a Hong Kong University. // System 2018. 158-169 pp. DOI:10.1016/j.system.2018.05.011, URL: file:///C:/Users/sleib/Downloads/DuJackson.2018.From EFLtoEMITheevolvingEnglishlearningmotivation ofMainlandChinesestudentsinaHongKongUniversity. System76158-169..pdf (дата обращение: 15.12.2021).
15. Gao X. Shifting motivational discourses among mainland Chinese students in an English medium tertiary institution in Hong Kong: A longitudinal inquiry. // Studies in Higher Education 33. 2008. 599-614 pp. DOI:10.1080/03075070802373107, URL: https://www.researchgate.net /publication/248963090_Shifting_motivational_discourses_
amongmainland_Chinese_students_in_an_ English_medium _tertiary_ institution_in_Hong_ Kong_A_longitudinal_inquiry. (дата обращение: 15.12.2021).
16. Gong Y., Ma M., Hsiang T.P., Wang C. Sustaining International Students' Learning of Chinese in China: Shifting Motivations among New Zealand Students during Study Abroad. // Sustainability 2020. 12, 6289; doi:10.3390/su12156289. URL: file:///C:/Users/sleib/ Downloads/sustainability-12-06289-v2.pdf (дата обращение: 15.12.2021).
1. Алимов Р. Золотой ключ к лучшему пониманию Китая. URL: http://russian.people.com.cn/n3/2021/1123/c31517-9923128.html. (дата обращение: 05.12.2021).
2. Seven M.A. Motivation in language learning and teaching. // African Educational Research Journal. October 2020. Special issues 8 (2). 562-571 pp. DOI: 10.30918/AERJ.8S2.20.033. ISSN: 2354-2160. URL: https:// files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1274645.pdf (дата обращения: 12.10.2021).
3. Van Lier L. Interaction in the Language Curriculum: Awareness, Autonomy and Authenticity (Applied Linguistics and Language Study). ISBN-13: 978-0582248793. ISBN-10: 0582248795. 1st Edition. London: Longman. 1996. 260 p.
4. Dornyei Z. Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom. / England: Cambridge University Press. 2001b. 155 p. URL: https://erwinwidiyatmoko.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/motivational-strategies-inthe-language-classroom-by-zoltan-dornyei.pdf (дата обращение: 12.09.2021).
5. Gardner R.C., Smythe P.C. On the development of the Attitude-Motivation Test Battery. // Canadian Modern Language Review. Volume 37. 2003. 510-525 pp.
6. Skehan P. Individual differences in Second Language Learning. // Studies in Second Language Acquisition №13(02). 1991. 275-298 pp. DOI:10.1017/S0272263100009979
7. Masgoret A.M., Gardner R.C. Attitudes, motivation, and second language learning: A meta analysis of studies conducted by Gardner and associates. // In Z. Dornyei (Ed.). Attitudes, Orientations, and Motivations in Language Learning. 2002. 167-210 pp. URL: http:// users.telenet.be/cr32258/Attidus% 20motivation%20L2.pdf (дата обращение: 15.09.2021).
8. Oxford R., Shearin J. Language learning motivation: expanding the theoretical framework. // Modern Language Journal 78(1). 1994. 12-28 pp. URL: https:// doi.org/10.2307/329249 (дата обращение:15.09.2021).
9. Crookes, G., Schmidt R.W. Motivation: Reopening the research agenda. // Language Learning. Vol. 8. No.1. 1989. 217-256 pp. URL: https://core.ac.uk/download/ pdf/32302583.pdf (дата обращение: 12.09.2021).
10. Bellassen J., Zhang P.P. A key to Chinese Speech and Writing. // Beijing, China: Sinolingua. Vol.1. 1997. 276 p.
11. Gardner R.C. Attitude/Motivation Test Battery: International AMTB Research Project. The University of Western Ontario, Canada. 2004. URL: https://publish.uwo.ca/~gardner/docs/englishamtb.pdf. (дата обращение: 05.09.2021).
12. Кунанбаева С.С. Концепция иноязычного образования Республики Казахстан. Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков им. Абылай хана. 2006.
13. Ager D. Motivation in Language Planning and Language Policy. (Multilingual Matters Series, 119). / Multilingual Matters. ISBN-13: 978-1853595288 – ISBN-10: 1853595284 .2001. 216 p.
14. Du X., Jackson J. From EFL to EMI: The evolving English learning motivation of Mainland Chinese students in a Hong Kong University. // System 2018. 158-169 pp. DOI:10.1016/j.system.2018.05.011, URL: file:///C:/Users/sleib/Downloads/DuJackson.2018.From EFLtoEMITheevolvingEnglishlearningmotivation ofMainlandChinesestudentsinaHongKongUniversity. System76158-169..pdf (дата обращение: 15.12.2021).
15. Gao X. Shifting motivational discourses among mainland Chinese students in an English medium tertiary institution in Hong Kong: A longitudinal inquiry. // Studies in Higher Education 33. 2008. 599-614 pp. DOI:10.1080/03075070802373107, URL: https://www.researchgate.net /publication/248963090_Shifting_motivational_discourses_
amongmainland_Chinese_students_in_an_ English_medium _tertiary_ institution_in_Hong_ Kong_A_longitudinal_inquiry. (дата обращение: 15.12.2021).
16. Gong Y., Ma M., Hsiang T.P., Wang C. Sustaining International Students' Learning of Chinese in China: Shifting Motivations among New Zealand Students during Study Abroad. // Sustainability 2020. 12, 6289; doi:10.3390/su12156289. URL: file:///C:/Users/sleib/ Downloads/sustainability-12-06289-v2.pdf (дата обращение: 15.12.2021).
Motivation as an axiological factor in learning Chinese language
Keywords: foreign language; Chinese language; motivation; demotivation.
The purpose of the study is to reveal the motivation aspects of learning Chinese in the territory of Central Asian countries and Russia, as well as to determine the main problems of learning Chinese in these countries. The article examines long-term and short-term motivation aspects affecting the results of learning Chinese. In order to determine these aspects there were held an anonymous questionnaire with the students and interviews with the teachers of the Chinese language. Scientific novelty lies in the difficulty of determining the clear goals of the learners in these countries, due to the fact that Chinese is not studied in a native-speaking country, which may contribute to further demotivation of learners in the process of language acquisition. In the conclusion there were given a number of recommendations and examples to stimulate motivation.