IPO-инструменты привлечения капитала для каннабисных компаний
Журнал «KANT» №2(39) 2021 [стр. 51]
DOI: 10.24923/2222-243X.2021-39.10
Ключевые слова: рынок IPO; первичное публичное размещение; условия листинга; фондовая биржа; каннабис; привлечение капитала.
Легализация каннабиса для использования в медицинских и рекреационных целях в ряде стран привела к поиску источников капитала для дальнейшего развития компаний. В данной статье проанализирован мировой рынок ценных бумаг каннабисных компаний, а также текущие тенденции на этом рынке. Цель исследования – раскрыть потенциал IPO как инструмента для привлечения капитала на мировой рынке каннабисных компаний. Научная новизна заключается в относительно недавно легализированной отрасли. В результате проведенного исследования были выявлены особенности рынка каннабиса и определены ключевые игроки на рынке и их потребителей. А также выявлены факторы, которые способствуют развитию или спаду мирового рынка акций каннабисных компаний.
1. ACT Government [Электронный ресурс] – URL: https://www.act.gov.au/cannabis (Дата обращения: 20.07.2020)
2. Aurora Cannabis [Электронный ресурс] – URL: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/aurora-cannabis#section-funding-rounds (Дата обращения 22.07.2020)
3. Bruce A. A. A., Thilakaratne P. M. C. (2014) IPO Stock Performance Imperfection: A Review of Models and Empirical Works // American Journal of industrial and Business Management. – 2014. – № 4. Рр. 155-166.
4. Emanuel M. A., Haughton A. Y. The Cannabis Economy: Will the region move with the global trends? // Caribbean export outlook. – 2020. – Third Edition. – Pp.68-71.
5. Legalising cannabis: what will New Zealanders be asked to vote on in September? [Электронный ресурс] // The Guardian – URL: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/05/legalising-cannabis-what-will-new-zealanders-be-asked-to-vote-on-in-september (Дата обращения 31.03.2021)
6. Mayes D., Alqahtani F. Underpricing of IPOs in Saudi Arabia and Sharia compliance // Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. – 2015. – Vol 6. – No2. – Рp.189-207.
7. NASDAQ, 2020 г. [Электронный ресурс] – URL: https://www.nasdaq.com/ (Дата обращения 29.03.2021)
8. 'Time to try something else': Luxembourg official tells Euronews on cannabis legalisation [Электронный ресурс] // Euronews– URL: https://www.euronews. com/2019/08/10/time-to-try-something-else-luxembourg-official-tells-euronews-on-cannabis-legalisation (Дата обращения 15.05.2020)
9. Top 100 Cannabis Stocks [Электронный ресурс] – URL: https://www.cannabismarketcap.io/ (Дата обращения 30.03.2021)
10. United Nations, Office on Drugs and Crime [Электронный ресурс] – URL: https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/commissions/CND/Mandate_Functions/current-scheduling-recommendations.html (Дата обращения 15.05.2020)
11. Yung C., Colak G., Wang W. Cycles in the IPO market // Journal of Financial Economics. – 2008. – № 89. – Рр. 192-208.
12. Lu-Andrews, Ran, IPO Spillover Effects in a New and Uncertain Sector: The Case of a Marijuana REIT (February 15, 2017). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2919746 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2919746
13. Delloite. Canadian IPO Market Outlook. Will IPOs break through the economic clouds in 2019? [Электронный ресурс] – URL: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ca/Documents/audit/ca-ipo-quarterly-report-aoda-en.pdf (Дата обращения 13.04.2021)
14. Darrell R. Peterson, Cannabis Initial Public Offering Checklist \\ Bennett Joness. (2019)
15. Dorsey. Cannabis company guide to the U.S. and canadian markets. Opportunities for cannabis companies in the U.S. and canadian marketplace [Электронный ресурс] – URL: https://www.dorsey.com/-/media/files/cannabis/v1-dw-2132018-2018-us-canada-cannabis-guide.pdf?la= en&hash=6A1C0DF28023F8027F294E7F5DE6CAE1 (Дата обращения 13.04.2021)
1. ACT Government [Электронный ресурс] – URL: https://www.act.gov.au/cannabis (Дата обращения: 20.07.2020)
2. Aurora Cannabis [Электронный ресурс] – URL: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/aurora-cannabis#section-funding-rounds (Дата обращения 22.07.2020)
3. Bruce A. A. A., Thilakaratne P. M. C. (2014) IPO Stock Performance Imperfection: A Review of Models and Empirical Works // American Journal of industrial and Business Management. – 2014. – № 4. Рр. 155-166.
4. Emanuel M. A., Haughton A. Y. The Cannabis Economy: Will the region move with the global trends? // Caribbean export outlook. – 2020. – Third Edition. – Pp.68-71.
5. Legalising cannabis: what will New Zealanders be asked to vote on in September? [Электронный ресурс] // The Guardian – URL: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/05/legalising-cannabis-what-will-new-zealanders-be-asked-to-vote-on-in-september (Дата обращения 31.03.2021)
6. Mayes D., Alqahtani F. Underpricing of IPOs in Saudi Arabia and Sharia compliance // Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. – 2015. – Vol 6. – No2. – Рp.189-207.
7. NASDAQ, 2020 г. [Электронный ресурс] – URL: https://www.nasdaq.com/ (Дата обращения 29.03.2021)
8. 'Time to try something else': Luxembourg official tells Euronews on cannabis legalisation [Электронный ресурс] // Euronews– URL: https://www.euronews. com/2019/08/10/time-to-try-something-else-luxembourg-official-tells-euronews-on-cannabis-legalisation (Дата обращения 15.05.2020)
9. Top 100 Cannabis Stocks [Электронный ресурс] – URL: https://www.cannabismarketcap.io/ (Дата обращения 30.03.2021)
10. United Nations, Office on Drugs and Crime [Электронный ресурс] – URL: https://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/commissions/CND/Mandate_Functions/current-scheduling-recommendations.html (Дата обращения 15.05.2020)
11. Yung C., Colak G., Wang W. Cycles in the IPO market // Journal of Financial Economics. – 2008. – № 89. – Рр. 192-208.
12. Lu-Andrews, Ran, IPO Spillover Effects in a New and Uncertain Sector: The Case of a Marijuana REIT (February 15, 2017). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2919746 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2919746
13. Delloite. Canadian IPO Market Outlook. Will IPOs break through the economic clouds in 2019? [Электронный ресурс] – URL: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/ca/Documents/audit/ca-ipo-quarterly-report-aoda-en.pdf (Дата обращения 13.04.2021)
14. Darrell R. Peterson, Cannabis Initial Public Offering Checklist \\ Bennett Joness. (2019)
15. Dorsey. Cannabis company guide to the U.S. and canadian markets. Opportunities for cannabis companies in the U.S. and canadian marketplace [Электронный ресурс] – URL: https://www.dorsey.com/-/media/files/cannabis/v1-dw-2132018-2018-us-canada-cannabis-guide.pdf?la= en&hash=6A1C0DF28023F8027F294E7F5DE6CAE1 (Дата обращения 13.04.2021)
IPO capital raise for cannabis companies
Keywords: IPO market; initial public offering; listing conditions; stock exchange; cannabis; capital raising.
Legalization of cannabis for medical and recreational use in a number of countries has led to the search for sources of capital for the further development of companies. This article analyzes the global cannabis securities market, as well as current trends in this market. The purpose of the study is to uncover the potential of IPOs as a tool for raising capital in the global cannabis market. The scientific novelty lies in the relatively recently legalized industry. As a result of the study, the peculiarities of the cannabis market were identified and the key players in the market and their consumers were identified. It also identified factors that contribute to the development or decline of the global cannabis stock market.