Оправдания, исключения и вызовы социальному натурализму
Журнал «KANT: Social Sciences & Humanities Series» №1(9) 2022 [стр. 4-16]
DOI: 10.24923/2305-8757.2022-9.1
Ключевые слова: свобода; негодование; метафизика морали; Памела Иероними; критическое замечание.
Памела Иероними написала очень глубокую книгу, в которой основное внимание уделяется одной из самых влиятельных статей в философии XX века: П.Ф. Стросона "Свобода и негодование" (1962). Основная цель Иероними в "Свободе, негодовании и метафизике морали" состоит в том, чтобы реконструировать и оценить центральную аргументативную стратегию в эссе Стросона. Цель автора – "показать, что она может выдержать самые очевидные и самые серьезные возражения, оставив ей достойного соперника" (3). В настоящем комментарии я резюмирую основные результаты анализа Иероними. Я занимаюсь основными темами книги, со временем отмечая некоторые неясности и некоторые недостатки, подчеркивая при этом множество ценных идей, которые она предлагает.
Beglin, David. 2018. Responsibility, Libertarians, and the “Fact as We Know Them”: A Concern-Based Construal of Strawson’s Reversal. Ethics 128 (3): 612-625.
Coates, D. Justin. 2017. Strawson’s modest transcendental argument. British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (4): 799-822.
De Mesel, Benjamin. 2018. Are our moral responsibility practices justified? Wittgenstein, Strawson and justification in ‘Freedom and Resentment’. British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (3): 603-614.
De Mesel, Benjamin. 2021. Early View. Being and Holding responsible. Reconciling the Disputants Through a Meaning-Based Strawsonian Account. Philosophical Studies.
De Mesel, B. & Heyndels, S. 2019. The Facts and Practices of Moral Responsibility. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (3): 790-811.
Heyndels, S. 2019. Strawson’s Method in ‘Freedom and Resentment’. Journal of Ethics 23 (4): 407-423.
Hieronymi. Pamela. 2020. Freedom, Resentment, and the Metaphysics of Morals. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
List, Christian. 2019. Why Free Will is Real. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
McGeer, Victoria. 2019. Scaffolding agency: A proleptic account of the reactive attitudes. European Journal of Philosophy 27 (2): 301-323.
Quine, Willard van Orman, 1953. Mr. Strawson on Logical Theory. Mind 62: 433-451.
Russell, Paul. 1992. Strawson’s Way of Naturalizing Responsibility. Ethics 102 (2): 287-302.
Shoemaker, David. 2017. Response-Dependent Responsibility: or, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Blame. The Philosophical Review, 126 (4): 481-527.
Shoemaker, D. & Tognazzini, N. 2014. Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, Volume 2: ‘Freedom and Resentment’. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Strawson, P.F. 1952. Introduction to Logical Theory. London: Methuen.
Strawson, P.F. 1961. Social Morality and Individual Ideal. Philosophy 36 (136): 1-17.
Strawson, P.F. 1985. Skepticism and Naturalism. New York: Columbia University Press.
Strawson, P.F. (1962) 2020. Freedom and Resentment. In Freedom, Resentment, and the Metaphysics of Morals by P. Hieronymi, 107-133. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Szigeti, Andras. 2012. Revisiting Strawsonian Arguments from Inescapability. Philosophica 85 (2): 91-121.
Todd, Patrick. 2016. Strawson, moral responsibility, and the “Order of Explanation”: An intervention. Ethics 127 (1): 208-240.
Watson, Gary. 2014. Peter Strawson on Responsibility and Sociality. In Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, Volume 2, 15-32. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Beglin, David. 2018. Responsibility, Libertarians, and the “Fact as We Know Them”: A Concern-Based Construal of Strawson’s Reversal. Ethics 128 (3): 612-625.
Coates, D. Justin. 2017. Strawson’s modest transcendental argument. British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (4): 799-822.
De Mesel, Benjamin. 2018. Are our moral responsibility practices justified? Wittgenstein, Strawson and justification in ‘Freedom and Resentment’. British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (3): 603-614.
De Mesel, Benjamin. 2021. Early View. Being and Holding responsible. Reconciling the Disputants Through a Meaning-Based Strawsonian Account. Philosophical Studies.
De Mesel, B. & Heyndels, S. 2019. The Facts and Practices of Moral Responsibility. Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (3): 790-811.
Heyndels, S. 2019. Strawson’s Method in ‘Freedom and Resentment’. Journal of Ethics 23 (4): 407-423.
Hieronymi. Pamela. 2020. Freedom, Resentment, and the Metaphysics of Morals. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
List, Christian. 2019. Why Free Will is Real. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
McGeer, Victoria. 2019. Scaffolding agency: A proleptic account of the reactive attitudes. European Journal of Philosophy 27 (2): 301-323.
Quine, Willard van Orman, 1953. Mr. Strawson on Logical Theory. Mind 62: 433-451.
Russell, Paul. 1992. Strawson’s Way of Naturalizing Responsibility. Ethics 102 (2): 287-302.
Shoemaker, David. 2017. Response-Dependent Responsibility: or, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Blame. The Philosophical Review, 126 (4): 481-527.
Shoemaker, D. & Tognazzini, N. 2014. Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, Volume 2: ‘Freedom and Resentment’. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Strawson, P.F. 1952. Introduction to Logical Theory. London: Methuen.
Strawson, P.F. 1961. Social Morality and Individual Ideal. Philosophy 36 (136): 1-17.
Strawson, P.F. 1985. Skepticism and Naturalism. New York: Columbia University Press.
Strawson, P.F. (1962) 2020. Freedom and Resentment. In Freedom, Resentment, and the Metaphysics of Morals by P. Hieronymi, 107-133. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Szigeti, Andras. 2012. Revisiting Strawsonian Arguments from Inescapability. Philosophica 85 (2): 91-121.
Todd, Patrick. 2016. Strawson, moral responsibility, and the “Order of Explanation”: An intervention. Ethics 127 (1): 208-240.
Watson, Gary. 2014. Peter Strawson on Responsibility and Sociality. In Oxford Studies in Agency and Responsibility, Volume 2, 15-32. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Excuses, Exemptions, and the Challenges to Social Naturalism
Keywords: freedom; resentment; the metaphysics of morals; Pamela Hieronymi; critical notice.
Pamela Hieronymi has authored a very insightful book 1 that focuses on one of the most influential articles in 20th century philosophy: P.F. Strawson's 'Freedom and Resentment' (1962). Hieronymi's principal objective in Freedom, Resentment, and the Metaphysics of Morals is to reconstruct and evaluate the central argumentative strategy in Strawson's essay. The author's aim is 'to show that it can withstand the objections that are both the most obvious and the most serious, leaving it a worthy contender' (3). In the present commentary, I summarize the main results of Hieronymi's analysis. I engage with the book's main themes, noting in due course certain unclarities and some shortcomings, while emphasizing the many valuable insights it offers.
Heyndels Sybren. Excuses, Exemptions, and the Challenges to Social Naturalism // International Journal of Philosophical Studies. Published Online: 11 Jan 2022.
Heyndels Sybren. Excuses, Exemptions, and the Challenges to Social Naturalism // International Journal of Philosophical Studies. Published Online: 11 Jan 2022.