Феноменология Homo Economicus
Журнал «KANT: Social Sciences & Humanities Series» №4(8) 2021 [стр. 16-31]
DOI: 10.24923/2305-8757.2021-8.2
Ключевые слова: homo economicus; феноменология; Альфред Шюц; экономическое взаимодействие; рыночное общество.
Много было написано о фиктивной природе атомистической модели homo economicus. Тем не менее, эта экономическая модель личных интересов и эгоизма стала общепринятой в рыночных обществах. В этой статье предлагается феноменологическое объяснение здравого смысла модели. Основываясь на работах Альфреда Шюца, я утверждаю, что опора на homo economicus как интерпретирующую схему для понимания поведения экономических других субъектов приводит к изменению значения знаков и сомнений, которые бросают вызов предположениям модели. Более того, он ориентирует социальные действия таким образом, чтобы интерпретационные несоответствия модели не выходили на передний план. Следовательно, интерпретирующая опора на homo economicus создает "феноменологический тупик". Альтернативные источники информации и альтернативные схемы интерпретации могут обойти эту ловушку экономического взаимодействия, но в этой статье далее объясняется, почему нормы и культурные горизонты рыночного общества ограничивают доступность этих альтернатив, тем самым, по сути, осаждая заблокированный опыт.
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Atkinson, Will. 2010. "Phenomenological Additions to the Bourdieusian Toolbox: Two Problems for Bourdieu, Two Solutions from Schutz." Sociological Theory 28(1):1-19.
Aupers, Stef. 2012. "'Trust No One': Modernization, Paranoia and Conspiracy Culture." European Journal of Communication 27(1):22-34.
Boltansky, Luc, and Eve Chiapello. 2005. The New Spirit of Capitalism. London: Verso.
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Bourdieu, Pierre. 2005. The Social Structures of the Economy. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
Callon, Michel. 1998. "Introduction: The Embeddedness of Economic Markets in Economics." Pp. 1-57 in The Laws of the Market, edited by M. Callon Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
Cappelli, Peter. 2000. "The New Deal at Work." Chicago-Kent Law Review 76:1169-93.
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Cohen, Daniel. 2014. Homo Economicus: The (Lost) Prophet of Modern Times. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
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Kasper, Debbie V. S. 2005. "The Evolution (or Devolution) of Privacy." Sociological Forum 20(1):69-92.
Krippner, Greta R., and Anthony S. Alvarez. 2007. "Embeddedness and the Intellectual Projects of Economic Sociology." Annual Review of Sociology 33:219-40.
Kunda, Gideon, and Galit Ailon-Souday. 2005. "Managers, Market, and Ideologies: Design and Devotion Revisited." Pp. 200-19 in The Oxford Handbook of Work and Organization, edited by S. Ackroyd, R. Batt, P. Thompson, and P. S. Tolbert. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
MacKenzie, Donald, and Yuval Millo. 2003. "Constructing a Market, Performing Theory: The Historical Sociology of a Financial Derivatives Exchange." American Journal of Sociology 109(1):107-45.
MacKenzie, Donald, Fabian Muniesa, and Lucia Siu. 2007. "Introduction." Pp. 1-19 in Do Economists
Make Markets? On the Performativity of Economics, edited by D. MacKenzie, F. Muniesa, and L. Siu. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Mill, John Stuart. 1844. Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political Economy. London: Parker.
Morgan, Mary S. 2006. "Economic Man as Model Man: Ideal Types, Idealization and Caricatures." Journal of the History of Economic Thought 28(1):1-27.
Myles, John F. 2004. "From Doxa to Experience: Issues in Bourdieu's Adoption of Husserlian Phenomenology." Theory, Culture & Society 21(2):91-107.
Persky, Joseph. 1995. "Retrospectives: The Ethology of Homo Economicus." Journal of Economic Perspectives 9(2):221-31.
Prendergast, Christopher. 1986. "Alfred Schutz and the Austrian School of Economics." American Journal of Sociology 92(1):1-26.
Ricoeur, Paul. 1977. Freud and Philosophy: An Essay on Interpretation. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Sayer, Andrew. 2011. Why Things Matter to People: Social Science, Values and Ethical Life. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Schutz, Alfred. 1953. "Common-Sense and Scientific Interpretation of Human Action." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14(1):1-38.
Schutz, Alfred. 1967. The Phenomenology of the Social World. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
Schutz, Alfred. 1970. On Phenomenology and Social Relations: Selected Writings, edited by H. R. Wagner, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Schutz, Alfred. 2011. Collected Papers V: Phenomenology and the Social Sciences, edited by L. Embree, Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media.
Schutz, Alfred, and Thomas Luckmann. 1973. The Structures of the Life-World. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
Sen, Amartya K. 1977. "Rational Fools: A Critique of the Behavioral Foundations of Economic Theory." Philosophy and Public Affairs 6(4):317-44.
Sloterdijk, Peter. 1987. Critique of Cynical Reason. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Smelser, Neil J., and Richard Swedberg. 2005. "Introducing Economic Sociology." Pp. 3-25 in The Handbook of Economic Sociology (2nd ed.), edited by N. J. Smelser and R. Swedberg. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press and Russell Sage Foundation.
Somers, Margaret R., and Fred Block. 2005. "From Poverty to Perversity: Ideas, Markets, and Institutions over 200 Years of Welfare Debate." American Sociological Review 70(2):260-87.
Throop, Jason C., and Keith M. Murphy. 2002. "Bourdieu and Phenomenology: A Critical Assessment." Anthropological Theory 2(2):185-207.
Turner, Charles. 2010. Investigating Sociological Theory. London: Sage.
Wagner, Helmut R. 1970. "Introduction." Pp. 1-52 in On Phenomenology and Social Relations: Selected
Writings, by Alfred Schutz, edited by H. R. Wagner. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Walsh, George. 1967. "Introduction." Pp. xv-xxix in The Phenomenology of the Social World, by Alfred Schutz. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
Zelizer, Viviana A. 2011. Economic Lives: How Culture Shapes the Economy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
The Phenomenology of Homo Economicus
Keywords: homo economicus; phenomenology; Alfred Schutz; economic interaction; market society
Much has been written about the fictitious nature of the atomistic model of homo economicus. Nevertheless, this economic model of self-interest and egoism has become conventional wisdom in market societies. This article offers a phenomenological explanation for the model's commonsensical grip. Building on the work of Alfred Schutz, I argue that a reliance on homo economicus as an interpretive scheme for making sense of the behavior of economic Others has the effect of reversing the meaning of signs and doubts that challenge the model's assumptions. Moreover, it orients social action in ways that prevent the model's interpretive incongruences from rising to the reflective fore. Consequently, an interpretive reliance on homo economicus creates a "phenomenological gridlock." Alternative sources of information and alternative interpretive schemes can bypass this entrapment of the economic interaction, but this article further explains why the norms and cultural horizons of market society limit the accessibility of these alternatives, thus, in effect, sedimenting gridlocked experiences.
Ailon Galit. The Phenome-nology of Homo Economicus // Sociological Theory. 2020, Vol. 38(1) 36-50.
Ailon Galit. The Phenome-nology of Homo Economicus // Sociological Theory. 2020, Vol. 38(1) 36-50.